Pinocchio Feeder

PINOCCHIO FEEDER We have equipped it with a drawer for food, windows to reach it freely and a small fringed canopy to shelter it from the elements. We recommend that you put sunflower seeds, millet, panic, oats and wheat mixed together in the drawer. You can also hang the ball of
grease in the hook placed under the roof, in this way it will be protected from the elements. We build this manger with three windows, so that you can hang it on a tree or on the wall of the house. We also build it with four windows and equip it with a chain to let it hang from a branch or from the ceiling of a porch.
We make it completely by hand (the frames, the curtains, the pine cone and everything else) with the best outdoor materials and in very few examples. We decorate it with a brush, with an ever-changing and harmonious color palette that derives from our experience as interior decorators and restorers.
It is very beautiful if combined in the garden with the Pinocchio Nest of which it follows the invoice.

Most birds are divided into insectivores and granivores. The former have a diet based on the consumption of larvae, caterpillars and insects, while the latter feed on seeds.
During the winter these foods are scarce so birds are forced to adapt to wild berries and small fruits that are not always available. To find them they have to travel long distances and because of the cold they consume a lot of energy.
For these reasons it is important to offer them food by setting up a manger on the terrace or in the garden. Place it high enough so that it cannot be reached by cats, in a quiet area preferably visible from the window, so you can do birdgardening and observe them from a distance as they come and go around.
eat. Always keep it clean and change the food every three days.
It may take several weeks to overcome the birds’ distrust of an unknown object so the sooner we install the manger, the sooner they will approach with confidence.
Treating the manger, once a year, with a final coat of outdoor paint, prolongs its resistance to bad weather.

  • Mangiatoia Pinocchio decorata a righe Azzurro cenere, con filetti Oro

    La Mangiatoia Pinocchio è la conseguenza inevitabile del rapporto speciale che ci lega al Nido Pinocchio.

    Infatti ne ricalca la fattura e anzi la supera dotandosi di un cassettino per riporre il cibo, finestrelle per raggiungerlo liberamente e una piccola tettoia sfrangiata per ripararlo della intemperie. Il cassetto é facilmente estraibile per una accurata pulizia.

    Le tendine, il merletto che ne decora la base e la pigna sottostante, sono costruiti completamente a mano.

    Realizziamo queste mangiatoie in pochissimi esemplari con i migliori materiali da esterno.

    La costruiamo con tre finestrelle, affinché venga appesa a un albero o al muro di casa. La costruiamo anche con quattro finestrelle e la dotiamo di una catena per lasciarla pendere da un ramo o dal soffitto di un portico.

    Sotto al tetto predisponiamo il gancio per appendere la pallina di grasso che così rimane al riparo dalla pioggia.

    Base cm 31×31

    Altezza cm 90

    Mangiatoia con 3 finestrelle, da appendere a parete o sul tronco di un albero.