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  • Nido Betti-Bu’ decorato a righe color Arancio con tendina e tetto Blu, con catena


    Ho creato questo particolare nido osservando affascinato la maestosità delle canne di bambu’  che hanno la caratteristica di essere belle, molto resistenti alle intemperie e durevoli nel tempo. Gli uccelli vi trovano un luogo molto naturale e idoneo alla nidificazione. Usando la creatività e la fantasia ho realizzato questo nido sempre diverso nelle forme e nei colori, che se posizionato in giardino o in balcone, oltre ad essere utile, strappa sempre un sorriso a chi lo guarda.

    Prima del BETTI-BU’ non esisteva nulla di simile per gli uccelli che fosse ricavato da una semplice canna di bambu’ per questo gli ho dato il mio nome. Questo nido é predisposto con una catenella per essere appeso a un trave o al ramo di un albero .

    Diametro fusto cm 9,5   Diametro tetto cm. 15.  H. tot. cm 28

  • Nido Betti-Bu’ decorato in Azzurro cenere, con catena


    Ho creato questo particolare nido osservando affascinato la maestosità delle canne di bambu’  che hanno la caratteristica di essere belle, molto resistenti alle intemperie e durevoli nel tempo.

    Gli uccelli vi trovano un luogo molto naturale e idoneo alla nidificazione.

    Usando la creatività e la fantasia ho realizzato questo nido sempre diverso nelle forme e nei colori, che se posizionato in giardino o in balcone, oltre ad essere utile, strappa sempre un sorriso a chi lo guarda.

    Prima del BETTI-BU’ non esisteva nulla di simile per gli uccelli che fosse ricavato da una semplice canna di bambu’ per questo gli ho dato il mio nome.

    Questo nido é predisposto con una catenella per essere appeso a un trave o al ramo di un albero .

    Diametro fusto cm 10.   Diametro tetto cm. 15.  H. tot. cm 32

  • Nido Betti-Bu’ decorato in ocra e verde, con catena


    Ho creato questo particolare nido osservando affascinato la maestosità delle canne di bambu’  che hanno la caratteristica di essere belle, molto resistenti alle intemperie e durevoli nel tempo.

    Gli uccelli vi trovano un luogo molto naturale e idoneo alla nidificazione.

    Usando la creatività e la fantasia ho realizzato questo nido sempre diverso nelle forme e nei colori, che se posizionato in giardino o in balcone, oltre ad essere utile, strappa sempre un sorriso a chi lo guarda.

    Prima del BETTI-BU’ non esisteva nulla di simile per gli uccelli che fosse ricavato da una semplice canna di bambu’ per questo gli ho dato il mio nome.

    Questo nido é predisposto con una catenella per essere appeso a un trave o al ramo di un albero .

    Diametro fusto cm 8,5

    Diametro tetto cm. 14

    H. tot. cm 27

  • Mangiatoia Casina Special decorata in Giallo Ocra, Testa di moro e oro .



    perfetto  per gli amanti del giardino e degli uccellini !!!

    A differenza delle altre mangiatoie Casina questa ha il poggiatoio costruito con una mensolina in legno, il tetto sagomato , cornici decorative, tendina finemente decorata e una decorazione special realizzata a mano.  Trova il Nido Special da abbinare , decorato e realizzato con le stesse caratteristiche!! Controlla se é ancora disponibile.

    Anche le misure sono SPECIAL:  Base cm 13 x 13 Profondità tetto cm.24  Altezza totale cm.30

    nasce dall’esigenza di creare un nido di misure ridotte per piccoli uccelli. E’ l’unico della nostra produzione ad avere il tetto a due acque. Ogni nido ha una decorazione unica sia nella fantasia che nell’abbinamento di colori. E’ ispezionatile grazie al tetto che si solleva permettendo anche un’accurata pulizia dopo la nidificazione.

    Costruito in legno marino e trattato con finitura per esterno.

  • Pinocchio Birdhouse with Light Blue and Bordeaux Stripes


    The Pinocchio Birdhouse is the flagship of Betti’s workshop.
    There is a special bond between Maurizio and this nest that he builds with passion in every little detail: frames, fretwork lace, hand-turned pine cones, lacquering and painted decoration done by brush.
    The Pinocchio Nest is characterized by an elegant and ancient aesthetic. It recalls the features of the character to whom it is dedicated thanks to the support placed in front of the entrance hole, the sloping roof like a hood and the refined decoration that “dresses” it. It is equipped with a door that allows you to inspect the interior. Built with marine wood and treated with an outdoor finish.
    Available in stripes or polka dots, in a wide range of colors.
    We love the Pinocchio Nest as we love the character to which it is dedicated: totally.
    Base 22 × 22 cm; h 68 cm

  • Pinocchio Birdhouse with Green Decoration


    The Pinocchio Birdhouse is the flagship of Betti’s workshop.
    There is a special bond between Maurizio and this nest that he builds with passion in every little detail: frames, fretwork lace, hand-turned pine cones, lacquering and painted decoration done by brush.
    The Pinocchio Nest is characterized by an elegant and ancient aesthetic. It recalls the features of the character to whom it is dedicated thanks to the support placed in front of the entrance hole, the sloping roof like a hood and the refined decoration that “dresses” it. It is equipped with a door that allows you to inspect the interior. Built with marine wood and treated with an outdoor finish.
    Available in stripes or polka dots, in a wide range of colors.
    We love the Pinocchio Nest as we love the character to which it is dedicated: totally.
    Base 22 × 22 cm; h 68 cm

  • Pinocchio Birdhouse Striped Yellow with Bordeaux Roof


    The Pinocchio Birdhouse is the flagship of Betti’s workshop.
    There is a special bond between Maurizio and this nest that he builds with passion in every little detail: frames, fretwork lace, hand-turned pine cones, lacquering and painted decoration done by brush.
    The Pinocchio Nest is characterized by an elegant and ancient aesthetic. It recalls the features of the character to whom it is dedicated thanks to the support placed in front of the entrance hole, the sloping roof like a hood and the refined decoration that “dresses” it. It is equipped with a door that allows you to inspect the interior. Built with marine wood and treated with an outdoor finish.
    Available in stripes or polka dots, in a wide range of colors.
    We love the Pinocchio Nest as we love the character to which it is dedicated: totally.
    Base 22 × 22 cm; h 68 cm

  • Rondinella Birdhouse


    La Bottega di Betti recommends using its swallow nest to encourage the nesting of swallows.
    It should be placed outside the house in the attic or under the terraces.
    It is constructed of marine plywood and hand molded with cement mortar.
    Under the nest there is a shelf that prevents the swallows droppings from falling to the ground and / or dirtying the walls of the house.

    Height: 45 cm
    Width: 15 cm
    Depth: 18 cm

    Some birds are very happy to accept an artificial nest
    where to lay eggs, hatch and feed the young.
    Among these the common Redstart, the Sparrow, the family of
    Tit, the Wren, the Starling, etc.
    Inside the nest they form a small moss cap,
    feathers and twigs on the bottom for the female who will lay the
    eggs. The hatching lasts on average two weeks and for the same
    time the parents will bring the food to the little ones.
    Some species make up to three broods so the nest will be
    “Busy” throughout the summer.

  • Violet and Petrol Blue Betti-Bu’


    I created this particular nest by observing, fascinated, the majesty of the bamboo canes which have the characteristic of being beautiful, very resistant to bad weather and durable over time.
    The birds find there a very natural and suitable place for nesting.
    Using creativity and imagination, I created this nest that is always different in shape and color, which if placed in the garden or on the balcony, as well as being useful, always pulls a smile from those who look at it.
    Before the BETTI-BU ‘, there was no such thing for birds that was made from a simple bamboo cane, which is why I gave it my name.
    In its smallest format, this nest is designed with a hole in the back to be hung on a wall of the house or on the trunk of a tree.
    Stem diameter 10 cm
    H. tot. 13 cm

  • White lines Betti-Bu’


    I created this particular nest by observing, fascinated, the majesty of the bamboo canes which have the characteristic of being beautiful, very resistant to bad weather and durable over time.
    The birds find there a very natural and suitable place for nesting.
    Using creativity and imagination, I created this nest that is always different in shape and color, which if placed in the garden or on the balcony, as well as being useful, always pulls a smile from those who look at it.
    Before the BETTI-BU ‘, there was no such thing for birds that was made from a simple bamboo cane, which is why I gave it my name.
    In its smallest format, this nest is designed with a hole in the back to be hung on a wall of the house or on the trunk of a tree.
    Stem diameter 10 cm
    H. tot. 13 cm

  • White and Ash Blue Betti-Bu’


    I created this particular nest by observing, fascinated, the majesty of the bamboo canes which have the characteristic of being beautiful, very resistant to bad weather and durable over time.
    The birds find there a very natural and suitable place for nesting.
    Using creativity and imagination, I created this nest that is always different in shape and color, which if placed in the garden or on the balcony, as well as being useful, always pulls a smile from those who look at it.
    Before the BETTI-BU ‘, there was no such thing for birds that was made from a simple bamboo cane, which is why I gave it my name.
    In its smallest format, this nest is designed with a hole in the back to be hung on a wall of the house or on the trunk of a tree.
    Stem diameter 10 cm
    H. tot. 13 cm

  • Medium Betti-Bu’ Large Pink Lines


    I created this particular nest by observing, fascinated, the majesty of the bamboo canes which have the characteristic of being beautiful, very resistant to bad weather and durable over time.
    The birds find there a very natural and suitable place for nesting.
    Using creativity and imagination, I created this nest that is always different in shape and color, which if placed in the garden or on the balcony, as well as being useful, always pulls a smile from those who look at it.
    Before the BETTI-BU ‘, there was no such thing for birds that was made from a simple bamboo cane, which is why I gave it my name.
    In its smallest format, this nest is designed with a hole in the back to be hung on a wall of the house or on the trunk of a tree.
    Stem diameter 10 cm
    H. tot. 13 cm